Monday 3 August 2015


Reflection; serious thought or consideration.
Over the past year at uni I've not only learned a lot about my subject but also about myself,
how my mind works and what I've been doing wrong! In this post i will explain How have I've changed in my attitudes or actions,what i have learned, what i think has caused me to change and whether i have improved. 

In my first project the new Elizabethan's, i started the project full of original ideas I wanted to combine Elizabethan make-up with African princess ideals ( which now i think about it i really wish i had done would of been soooo awesome) the reason behind this is because i wanted to combine two opposite cultures together to create something magnificent!

I regret that somewhere along the line i thought my ideas were wrong and that this isn't what my lecturers wanted. 
In my second project i feel i took a big leap forward and went with an idea that i thought was wacky but i went with it anyway. I am extremely pleased that i went with the idea that i truly liked and i think it come out well although my location photography is questionable i hope to improve on that in the next year.

something i've learned along the way is that its not about what you think your lecturer may like its about expressing your creative ability to the max. No idea is a bad idea. something I will be taking into the second year.

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